Norwich Medical School is licensed under the Human Tissue Act (2004) to accept whole body donations to undertake anatomical examination for the purposes of medical education training and research (license number 12500). This benefits our students studying both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Medicine and Health Care Sciences, as well as practising healthcare professionals. We gratefully consider enquiries from areas within the NR postcode.
Human bodies or parts cannot be bought or sold. Likewise, they cannot be 'owned' by anyone and therefore cannot be given away by someone else following your death. However, you can express a wish during your life for your body to be used for teaching, training and research when you die. This must be witnessed by a friend or relative who understands your wishes and is happy to act as a witness.
By filling in a donation form you are expressing a wish for your body to be used for teaching, training and research. Relatives seldom fail to carry out this wish, but you should discuss your wishes with your relatives before bequeathing your body.
Anatomical Examination
Your body will be used to study the structure and form of the human body. This benefits medical and health science students, practising Doctors and other healthcare professionals.
Education and Training
Future and current healthcare professionals gain great benefit from the opportunity to develop surgical skills and to learn or practice clinical procedures on the body.
The anatomy team has recently been involved in a small number of research projects both within UEA with our MRes students and in association with colleagues from our local hospitals. These have included investigating possible new sites for lymph node transplant following extensive surgery for cancer treatment, and investigating the possibility of replacing X-Ray guided spinal surgery with Ultrasound guidance to remove the need to irradiate patients.
All activities are overseen by experienced staff working within the terms of a license issued by the Human Tissue Authority under the Human Tissue Act (2004).
When a donor has finished their time with us, their remains are cremated at a licensed crematorium. The Norwich Medical School has a plot in Colney Wood Woodland Burial Ground where the ashes of our donors are scattered. Each autumn we have a memorial service for students to show their appreciation for the opportunity they have been given. Relatives of the donors are welcome to attend the service and ash scattering, and will be notified of the date.
It is possible to return ashes to relatives, or for relatives to organise a personal burial or cremation at their own cost.
For more information, or to request a UEA donation pack, please call +44 (0) 1603 591104 to speak to Helen Sayer, our bequeathals secretary, alternatively email us at The office is open for enquiries from 8.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. Out of office hours, your call will be diverted to the Norwich Medical School where you can leave a message and a member of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Our donation form is available to download here and we also have a donation information booklet which provides additional information to help you with filling in the form.
For more information from the Human Tissue Authority on donating your body, please visit the HTA website.