Our graduates specialise in areas including accounting, finance, management, HR, marketing and brand management at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Graduate Job Programme
The Graduate Job Programme is an innovative recruitment service exclusive to Norwich Business School. With no charge and no obligation to appoint, the programme offers a flexible way to save on recruitment costs and attract high quality business graduates that meet your organisation’s needs. We’ll support you every step of the way, from drafting job descriptions to arranging interviews.
Participating undergraduate students attend the School’s comprehensive assessment centre (including psychometric tests, interviews and group exercises) before being put forward for your organisation’s usual interview and appointment process.
Email us: gjp@uea.ac.uk
From 2020, our undergraduate programme will include a year in industry, giving students the opportunity to spend 9 to 12 months in full-time employment in their third year before returning to UEA for their final year. We are keen to hear from employers who are looking to access talent and skills, and benefit from taking on a UEA student.
Email us: placements@uea.ac.uk
MBA Consultancy and Recruitment
Our MBA students are established business professionals and a number of opportunities are available for consultancy or recruitment either during or after the course.
Email us: mbateam@uea.ac.uk
UEA Career Central
Both undergraduate and postgraduate students can be recruited through the central UEA careers service. The service also offers an internship programme, annual careers fair and a year-round programme of employer events.
Email us: careers@uea.ac.uk
Alternatively, we are happy to discuss your business needs on +44 (0)1603 592263.