Work is under way to secure UEA’s future financial stability.
UEA announced earlier this year that it is facing a budget deficit of £30m for 2023/24, rising to £45m in three years’ time.
There are a number of reasons for this current situation:
- Lower-than-expected student numbers. Numbers for this academic year (2022/2023) are significantly lower than we had planned. This is on top of a cumulative reduction throughout the Covid years against our approved targets.
- As a result we have set revised student targets for future years – which in turn means less fee income in our plan.
- The number of students not completing is higher than previous years (in common with others in the sector) which also affects ongoing fee income.
- Our energy costs have risen by circa £5m in the last year and are anticipated to remain at this level for three years, while energy markets stabilise.