UEA’s Media Centre provides journalists with the very latest news from the University, as well as connecting you with our leading experts.
Contact the Communications Team
The Communications Team at UEA is on hand to help with any press and media requests, including setting up interviews, filming and photography.
If you have an enquiry for the team, email communications@uea.ac.uk with an overview and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Urgent enquiries
For urgent out-of-hours press and media enquiries, telephone +44(0)1603 592352 and you will be directed to the duty press officer.
Looking for an expert?
Email communications@uea.ac.uk and the team will be happy to help.
Internal news
If you are a member of staff or a student and would like to suggest news or a notice for My UEA or the weekly newsletters, visit the Guidance page on My UEA. You will need your UEA login details to access this page.
Location requests for filming on campus
Requests to use UEA as a location for films, documentaries and photographic shoots should be emailed to filming@uea.ac.uk. Visit the Campus and Community webpage for more details of what you need to include. Locations fees apply.
Latest from UEA
UEA in the News
Press Release Archive
UEA Community Blog
Facilities on campus*
Broadcast interviews
Facilities are available for pre-recorded and live TV interviews via Skype, Zoom and Microsoft Teams.
To request a booking or discuss your requirements, email communications@uea.ac.uk.
Media filming on campus
The Communications Team will assist with filming requests on campus, relating to research or expertise at UEA. This includes arranging suitable times with interviewees, appropriate filming locations, gaining clearance with relevant departments and providing parking passes where applicable. Email communications@uea.ac.uk with full details of your enquiry.
UEA Student Coursework
Students requiring to film in buildings or in the grounds as part of their course should arrange this through their school office.
Useful links for media
Explore UEA Research
Contact Us and Campus Map
UEA Facts and Figures