Director of Research


Professor Tim Osborn

Professor of Climate Science and Research Director of the Climatic Research Unit

climate observations, climate modelling, climate variability, precipitation extremes and drought, palaeoclimate, future climate scenarios

Tim Osborn

Academic Staff


Professor Manoj Joshi

Professor of Climate Dynamics

Climate forcing and response, stratosphere and climate, planetary climates.

Manoj Joshi

Professor David Thompson

Professor of Climate Change Science

My research foci lie in the area of large-scale climate variability, with an emphasis on using observations to identify novel aspects of the climate system, and then using models to test hypotheses motivated by observations.


Dr Ben Webber

Lecturer in Climate Science

Climate Dynamics, Climate Variability, Climate Change, Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction, Ocean-Ice interaction, Autonomous Ocean Observations.

Ben Webber

Research staff


Dr Amee Gollop

Impacts of Pacific Ocean warming trends


Mr Ian (Harry) Harris

Development and maintenance of observational gridded climate datasets, data processing and analysis, programming.

Harry Harris

Dr Matthew Jones

Climate change impacts on wildfire, wildfire emissions, climate-carbon cycle feedbacks

Dr Natasha Senior

Response of tropical convection in atmospheric circulation using statistical methods

Natasha Senior

Dr Daniel Skinner

Climate modelling, Teleconnections, Decadal variability, South Pacific hydroclimate

Dr Sarah Wilson Kemsley

Clouds, Machine learning, Climate feedbacks, Atmospheric science, Climate uncertainty

Support Staff


Mr Mike Salmon

ISD Research Computing Services

Mike Salmon

Postgraduate students


Nicole Forstenhaeusler

Global hydrological modelling of future flooding risk


Erik Hartin

Art for action: Climate visuals to engage the public and move policy-makers


Kyriaki Lekakou

Ocean drivers of Antarctic ice shelf melt and sea level rise

Siyu Meng

Assessing the impact of phytoplankton on sea surface temperature: processes and feedbacks driven by climate variability and change


Aparna Reghunathan

Understanding and reducing biases in coupled climate models in the Indian Ocean region


Jane Thurgood

How can we characterise extreme droughts for water management under climate change in Norfolk?


Emily Wallis

Early instrumental observations of temperature change


Xiang Weng

Assessing the effect of changes in weather extremes and driving forces on tropospheric ozone in China.


Qianyu Zha

Assessing flooding risks in the UK under climate change using hydrological models


Visiting Professors


Professor David Viner

Director, Green Investment Bank


Professor Richard Seager

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University


Visiting fellows


Dr Nick Brooks

Adaptation to past climate change and to future climate change

Nick Brooks

Professor Manola Brunet

Climatic data archaeology and analysis of climate variability and change

Manola Brunet

Mr David Lister

Meteorological time-series throughout the instrumental period. Climatic variability and its effects

David Lister

Dr Peer Nowack

Machine learning, climate sensitivity, atmospheric chemistry, Earth system modelling, regional climate change.

Dr Clive Wilkinson

RECLAIM project (RECovery of Logbooks And International Marine Data)

Clive Wilkinson

Associate fellows


Dr Mansour Almazroui

Identifying climatic patterns of Saudi Arabia using large scale circulation data and the influence of teleconnection indices on the local climate

Dr Jonathan Barichivich

Vegetation-climate interactions, drought and ecosystem responses

Jonathan Barichivich

Dr Pranab Deb

Climate dynamics, quantifiaction of biases in climate models, regional atmospheric modelling, polar meteorology, sea ice

Pranab Deb

Dr Clare Goodess

Regional climate change and projections/scenarios, extreme events, climate services

Clare Goodess

Dr Kathleen Pribyl

Historical climatology, vulnerability of pre-industrial societies to environmental risk, early instrumental data

Kathleen Pribyl

Dr Satyaban Ratna

Climate variability, Indian summer monsoon, Dynamical downscaling, Extreme events

Satyaban Ratna

Dr Fiona Williamson

Extremes, History, Instrumental, SE Asia, Urban heat island

Fiona Williamson

Sally Wilkinson

RECLAIM project (RECovery of Logbooks And International Marine Data)


Previous directors


Professor Trevor Davies

CRU Director 1993-1998

Trevor Davies

Professor Phil Jones (also a CRU Emeritus Professor)

CRU Director 1998-2016

Phil Jones

Professor Hubert Lamb (1913-1997)

CRU Director 1971-1977

Hubert Lamb

Professor Jean Palutikof (also a CRU Visiting Fellow)

CRU Director 1998-2004

Jean Palutikof

Professor Tom Wigley (also a CRU Visiting Fellow)

CRU Director 1978-1993.

Tom Wigley