Director of Research |
Professor of Climate Science and Research Director of the Climatic Research Unit climate observations, climate modelling, climate variability, precipitation extremes and drought, palaeoclimate, future climate scenarios |
Academic Staff | |
Professor of Climate Dynamics Climate forcing and response, stratosphere and climate, planetary climates. | |
Professor of Climate Change Science My research foci lie in the area of large-scale climate variability, with an emphasis on using observations to identify novel aspects of the climate system, and then using models to test hypotheses motivated by observations. | |
Lecturer in Climate Science Climate Dynamics, Climate Variability, Climate Change, Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction, Ocean-Ice interaction, Autonomous Ocean Observations. | |
Research staff | |
Impacts of Pacific Ocean warming trends | |
Development and maintenance of observational gridded climate datasets, data processing and analysis, programming. | |
Climate change impacts on wildfire, wildfire emissions, climate-carbon cycle feedbacks | |
Response of tropical convection in atmospheric circulation using statistical methods | |
Climate modelling, Teleconnections, Decadal variability, South Pacific hydroclimate | |
Clouds, Machine learning, Climate feedbacks, Atmospheric science, Climate uncertainty | |
Support Staff | |
Mr Mike Salmon ISD Research Computing Services | |
Postgraduate students | |
Global hydrological modelling of future flooding risk | |
Art for action: Climate visuals to engage the public and move policy-makers | |
Ocean drivers of Antarctic ice shelf melt and sea level rise Assessing the impact of phytoplankton on sea surface temperature: processes and feedbacks driven by climate variability and change | |
Understanding and reducing biases in coupled climate models in the Indian Ocean region | |
How can we characterise extreme droughts for water management under climate change in Norfolk? | |
Early instrumental observations of temperature change | |
Assessing the effect of changes in weather extremes and driving forces on tropospheric ozone in China. | |
Assessing flooding risks in the UK under climate change using hydrological models | |
Visiting Professors | |
Professor David Viner Director, Green Investment Bank | |
Professor Richard Seager Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University | |
Visiting fellows | |
Dr Nick Brooks Adaptation to past climate change and to future climate change | |
Professor Manola Brunet Climatic data archaeology and analysis of climate variability and change | |
Mr David Lister Meteorological time-series throughout the instrumental period. Climatic variability and its effects | |
Machine learning, climate sensitivity, atmospheric chemistry, Earth system modelling, regional climate change. | |
Dr Clive Wilkinson RECLAIM project (RECovery of Logbooks And International Marine Data) | |
Associate fellows | |
Dr Mansour Almazroui Identifying climatic patterns of Saudi Arabia using large scale circulation data and the influence of teleconnection indices on the local climate | |
Dr Jonathan Barichivich Vegetation-climate interactions, drought and ecosystem responses | |
Dr Pranab Deb Climate dynamics, quantifiaction of biases in climate models, regional atmospheric modelling, polar meteorology, sea ice | |
Regional climate change and projections/scenarios, extreme events, climate services | |
Dr Kathleen Pribyl Historical climatology, vulnerability of pre-industrial societies to environmental risk, early instrumental data | |
Dr Satyaban Ratna Climate variability, Indian summer monsoon, Dynamical downscaling, Extreme events | |
Dr Fiona Williamson Extremes, History, Instrumental, SE Asia, Urban heat island | |
Sally Wilkinson RECLAIM project (RECovery of Logbooks And International Marine Data) | |
Previous directors | |
CRU Director 1993-1998 | |
Professor Phil Jones (also a CRU Emeritus Professor) CRU Director 1998-2016 | |
Professor Hubert Lamb (1913-1997) CRU Director 1971-1977 | |
Professor Jean Palutikof (also a CRU Visiting Fellow) CRU Director 1998-2004 | |
Professor Tom Wigley (also a CRU Visiting Fellow) CRU Director 1978-1993. |