A training pathway is a description of the range of developmental activities that can be undertaken by a postgraduate researcher to support and enhance their programme of study. The goal of the pathway is to develop a range of research, discipline-specific and transferable skills and attributes that will support the development of the research project, the timely completion of the thesis and equip the researcher for future careers. All postgraduate researchers are expected to actively participate in the training programmes specified by their Faculties, Graduate Schools or Institutes. Supervisors are expected to support their postgraduate researchers in developing their personal skills and employability.
The University has specified some mandatory elements for every training pathway that should be introduced as part of the induction of new researchers, including research ethics, health and safety, data protection, and equality/diversity training. For postgraduate researchers sponsored by awards made through the Doctoral Training Partnerships some mandatory cohort training may be a condition of the award that supports their research.
Some postgraduate researchers will embark on their research programme with the benefit of having completed a significant amount of professional development in a previous career that allows them to meet some of the learning objectives of their pathway. If this can be evidenced through the ‘Training Needs Analysis’ they may be exempted from some non-mandatory elements of the pathway because they have already achieved the specified learning objectives.