Main lists of published CRU papers
- Our papers, listed latest first, are available on CRU’s publication list.
- Our papers are also listed (by year and also searchable) in the UEA Digital Repository.
- Our list of older publications (up to 2010) is also available.
Technical reports
- CRU have published a series of CRU Research Publication reports, as well as Technical Reports for the US Department of Energy. These are available to download below.
CRU Research Publications (CRU RPs) are occasional research reports that, due to various factors such as length, style or intended audience, are not suitable for publishing in the science literature.
The first nine CRU RPs were originally published in hard copy form but are now available in electronic form, while from CRU RP10 onwards they are available only from our website in electronic form.
Three further reports are included in a second table at the bottom of this page. These were prepared for the US Department of Energy and are included here because they are widely cited but are out of print.
CRU research publications
CRU RP23 - 2018
D. Lister, T. Osborn, P. Jones and G. Darch
CRU RP22 - 2018
D. Lister, T. Osborn, P. Jones and G. Darch
Observed droughts in the greater Anglian region since 1920
CRU RP21 - 2018
C. Wilkinson, S. Wilkinson
Report on the Imaging of Sources of Historic Ice, Meteorological and Oceanographic Data in the Southern Ocean – Archive of the Sea Mammal Research Unit, University of St. Andrews, Scotland
CRU RP20 - 2018
C. Wilkinson, S. Wilkinson
Report on the Imaging of Sources of Historic Ice, Meteorological and Oceanographic Data in the Southern Ocean – National Meteorological Archive, Exeter, United Kingdom
CRU RP19 - 2017 (published as CRU RP19 in 2018)
C. Wilkinson, M. Vasquez-Guzman
Report on the Imaging of Sources of Historic Ice, Meteorological and Oceanographic Data in the Southern Ocean – Åland Maritime Museum, Mariehamn, Finland
CRU RP18 - 2016 (published as CRU RP18 in 2018)
C. Wilkinson
Report on the Imaging of Sources of Historic Ice, Meteorological and Oceanographic Data in Antarctic Waters: Christian Salvesen Archive, Edinburgh
CRU RP17 - 2016 (published as CRU RP17 in 2018)
C. Wilkinson C, M. Vasquez-Guzman
Report on the Imaging of Historic Ice, Meteorological and Oceanographic Data in Antarctic Waters: Vestfold Archive, Sandefjord, Norway
CRU RP16 - 2016 (published as CRU RP16 in 2018)
C. Wilkinson
Sources of Historic Meteorological and Oceanographic Data for the North-West Pacific and Sea Areas of China and South-East Asia
CRU RP15 - 2014 (published as CRU RP15 in 2018)
C. Wilkinson
Sources of Historic Sea-Ice Observations for the Southern Hemisphere
CRU RP14 - 2010 (published as CRU RP14 in 2018)
C. Wilkinson and J. Guzman
CRU RP13 - 2009 (published as CRU RP12 in 2012)
C. Wilkinson
CRU RP12 - 2009 (published as CRU RP12 in 2012)
C. Wilkinson
CRU RP11 - 2005 (published as CRU RP11 in 2012)
C. M. Goodess et al.
CRU RP10 - 2004 (published as CRU RP10 in 2012)
T. J. Osborn, K. R. Briffa, F. H. Schweingruber and P. D. Jones
CRU RP9 - 1988
B. D. Santer
Regional validation of general circulation models
CRU RP8 - 1984
P. D. Jones, A. E. J. Ogilvie and T. M. L. Wigley
CRU RP7 - 1980
A. H. Perry and T. Fearnside
CRU RP6a - 1979
K. S. Douglas, H. H. Lamb
Weather Observations and a Tentative Meteorological Analysis of the Period May to July 1588
CRU RP6 - 1978
K. S. Douglas, H. H. Lamb and C. Loader
A Meteorological Study of July-October 1588: The Spanish Armada Storms
CRU RP5 - 1976
H. H. Lamb
Understanding climatic change and its relevance to the world food problem
CRU RP4 - 1975
P. B. Wright
An Index of the Southern Oscillation
CRU RP3 - 1974
H. H. Lamb
The Current Trend of World Climate - A Report on the Early 1970s and a Perspective
CRU RP2 - 1974
H. H. Lamb (editor)
Mapping the atmospheric and oceanic circulations and other climatic parameters at the time of the Last Glacial Maximum about 17000 years ago: collected abstracts of the international (CLIMAP) conference held at Norwich in May 1973
CRU RP1 - 1973
H. H. Lamb
Reports for the US Department of Energy
USDoE TR017 - 1985
R. S. Bradley, P. M. Kelly, P. D. Jones, H. F. Diaz and C. Goodess (Appendix A only)
A climatic data bank for the Northern Hemisphere land areas, 1851-1980
USDoE TR022 - 1985
P. D. Jones et al.
A grid point surface air temperature data set for the Northern Hemisphere
USDoE TR027 - 1986
P. D. Jones, S. C. B. Raper, C. M. Goodess, B. S. G. Cherry and T. M. L. Wigley PDF
A grid point surface air temperature data set for the Southern Hemisphere, 1851-1984
Tiempo bulletin
- CRU co-edited and co-published the Tiempo bulletin from 1991 to 2011, to promote communication between the nations of the North and South on the issue of climate change and to promote the interests of developing nations in the climate debate. Copies of the Tiempo bulletin (1997-2011) are available online.
PhD theses
You can read PhD theses below.
Author | Title | Year | Principal Supervisor |
Airey, M.J. | An evaluation of GCM simulations of precipitation on monthly and daily time-scales | 1996 | Hulme, Dr M. |
Almazroui, M. | The relationships between atmospheric circulation patterns and surface climatic elements in Saudi Arabia | 2006 | Jones, Prof. P. |
Barichivich, J. | Responses of boreal vegetation to recent climate change. | 2014 | Briffa, Prof. K. |
Barrow, E.M. | On the construction and evaluation of scenarios of climate change for use in crop-climate models | 1999 | Hulme, Dr M. |
Barthelmie, R.J. | Prediction of on- and off-shore wind speeds for wind energy applications | 1991 | Palutikof, Dr. J. |
Beresford, A.K.S. | Recent climatic change in East Africa, in relation to lake-level fluctuations | 1982 | Davies, Prof. T.D. |
Berk, S. | Statistical Modelling of Urban Heat Islands under Present and Future Climate | 2023 | Joshi, Prof. M.; Nowack, Dr. P; Goodess, Dr. C.M. |
Blenkinsop, S. | Extreme daily temperature and precipitation events in north western Europe and the role of atmospheric circulation | 2006 | Jones, Dr. P. |
Bohn, L.E. | Seasonal climate forecasts in Swaziland; the producer-user interface | 2003 | Kelly, Dr. P.M. |
Briffa, K.R. | Tree-climate relationships and dendroclimatological reconstruction in the British Isles | 1984 | Wigley, Prof. T.M.L. |
Brooks, N.K.J. | Dust-climate interactions in the Sahel-Sahara zone of northern Africa, with particular reference to the late twentieth century sahelian drought | 1999 | Hulme, Dr. M. |
Burgess, P.E. | Premature climatic and cryospheric change on millennial timescales: an assessment using two-dimensional climate modelling studies | 1998 | Palutikof, Dr. J. |
Busby, S.J. | Simulating patterns and causes of North American drought: a case study using the HADCM3 general circulation model | 2010 | Briffa, Prof. K. |
Caesar, J. | The Influence of sea surface temperature patterns on the Winter Monsoon over Southeast Asia | 2002 | Kelly, Dr. P.M. |
Choi, B.C. | On the relationship between Eurasian snow cover, Asian summer rainfall, atmospheric circulation and sea surface temperature. | 2000 | Davies, Prof. T.D. |
Conway, D. | The development of a grid-based hydrologic model of the Blue Nile and the sensitivity of Nile water discharge to climate change | 1993 | Hulme, Dr. M. |
Cornes, R.C. | Early meteorological data from London and Paris: extending the North Atlantic Oscillation Series | 2010 | Jones, Prof P.D. |
Dambul, R. | The relationships between large-scale atmospheric circulation and surface climate: a case study for Borneo Warning! Links to a large, single pdf file | 2007 | Jones, Prof. P. |
Eriksen, S.H. | Responding to global change: vulnerability and management of local agro-ecosystems in Kenya and Tanzania | 2000 | Kelly, Dr. P.M. |
Forster, J. | Vulnerability of tourism-dependent Caribbean islands to climate change | 2010 | Watkinson, Prof. A. |
Foxall, D.W. | Daily rainfall variability in southern Central Africa: an analysis of recent and future behaviour | 2004 | Palutikof, Dr. J. |
Goodess, C. | The construction of daily rainfall scenarios for Mediterranean sites using a circulation-type approach to downscaling | 2000 | Palutikof, Dr. J. |
Gray, B.M. | The statistical analysis of rainfall and it's reconstruction from tree rings | 1981 | Lamb, Prof. H.H. |
Guo, X. | An assessment of mesoscale wind modelling techniques in complex terrain | 1989 | Palutikof, Dr. J. |
Hannah, P. | Application of wind modelling techniques in complex terrain | 1993 | Vincent, Dr. C.E. |
Hanson, C.E. | A cyclone climatology of the North Atlantic and its implications for the insurance market | 2001 | Palutikof, Dr. J. |
Harding, A.E. | Changes in Mediterranean climate extremes: patterns, causes and impacts of change | 2007 | Goodess, Dr. C. |
Hassan, W.A.W. | Modelling the impact of Southeast Asian deforestation on climate and atmospheric circulation | 1999 | Kelly, Dr. P.M. |
Haylock, M. | Interannual variability of mean and extreme rainfall and relationship with large scale circulation | 2005 | Jones, Prof P.D. |
Hoar, M. | Statistical downscaling from an earth system model of intermediate complexity to reconstruct past climate gradients across the British Isles | 2003 | Palutikof, Dr. J. |
Holt, T. | The effect of proposed Soviet river diversions on Arctic sea ice processes | 1991 | Kelly, Dr. P.M. |
Huy, L.Q. | Climate change adaptation: engaging local society in the research process | 2010 | Kelly, Dr. P.M.; Dr. I. Lorenzoni |
Jones, C.G. | Tropical cyclone forecasting with a limited area model | 1993 | Wigley, Prof. T.M.L. |
Jones, J.M. | Implications of climate change for acidic deposition over Europe (2 vols) | 1997 | Davies, Prof. T.D. |
Kelly, P.M. | Climatic change in the North Sea Region | 1975 | Lamb, Prof. H.H. |
Kentarchos, A.S. | Background tropospheric ozone over Europe | 1997 | Davies, Prof. T.D. |
Kostopoulou, E. | The relationships between atmospheric circulation patterns and surface climatic elements in the eastern Mediterranean | 2003 | Jones, Prof. P. |
Lai, I-C | The relationship between tropospheric ozone and atmospheric circulation in Taiwan | 2010 | Brimblecombe, Prof P. |
Lampkin, S.J. | Exploring why individuals acquire the motivation to mitigate climate change | 2010 | Kelly, Dr. P.M. |
Livermore, M.T.J. | The potential impacts of climate change in Europe: the role of extreme temperatures | 2005 | Palutikof, Dr. J. |
Lough, J.M. | Atlantic sea surface temperatures and weather in Africa | 1991 | Wigley, Prof. T.M.L. |
Matthews, A. | An empirical model of Sahel climate | 2006 | Jones, Prof. P. |
Mavromatis, T. | Impact of different methods of climate change scenario construction in the yield of winter wheat using crop growth simulation models | 1997 | Jones, Dr. P. |
May, C. | The use and application of performance metrics with regional climate models | 2016 | Goodess, Dr. C. |
Mayes, P.R. | Atmospheric circulation trends in southern South Australia and the Antarctic Peninsula area | 1981 | Wigley, Prof. T.M.L. |
McSweeney, C. | Daily rainfall variability at point and areal scales: evaluating simulations of present and future climate | 2007 | Osborn, Dr. T. |
Melvin, T.M. | Historical growth rates and changing climatic sensitivity of boreal conifers | 2004 | Briffa, Prof. K. |
Mitchell, T.M. | An investigation of the pattern scaling technique for describing future climates Warning! Links to a large, single pdf file | 2001 | Hulme, Dr. M. |
O'Callaghan, A. | Dynamical Influences of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings on Surface Climate | 2016 | Joshi, Dr. M. |
Ogilvie, A.E.J. | Climate & society in Iceland from the medieval period to the late eighteenth century | 1981 | Lamb, Prof. H.H. |
Okwany, V.O. | Climate and vegetation relationships in south-western Kenya and the potential impacts of a warmer world | 1991 | Wigley, Prof. T.M.L. |
O'Neill, S.J. | An iconic approach to representing climate change | 2008 | Hulme, Prof. M. |
Osborn, T.J. | Internally-generated variability in some ocean models on decadal to millennial timescales | 1995 | Wigley, Prof. T.M.L. |
Raper, S.C.B. | Variations in the incidence of tropical cyclones and relationships with the global circulation | 1978 | Lamb, Prof. H.H. |
Reyniers, N. | Future droughts in Great Britain: from weather to Wensum | 2023 | Osborn, Prof. T.J. |
Salas Flores, M.A. | Assessing the variability of long-term Mexican instrumental records and the ENSO Modulating Force | 2008 | Jones, Prof. P. |
Santer, B.D. | Regional validation of general circulation models | 1987 | Wigley, Prof. T.M.L. |
Schuepbach, E. | Vertical atmospheric transport and surface ozone | 1994 | Davies, Prof. T.D. |
Screen, J.A. | The Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Response to the Southern Annular Mode Warning! Links to a large, single pdf file | 2009 | Gillett, Dr. N. |
Sear, C.B. | Atlantic Arctic sea ice variations | 1984 | Kelly, Dr. P.M. |
Simpson, I. | Precipitation variability across the UK: observations and model simulations | 2012 | Jones, Prof. P. |
Sirabaha, S. | The Influence of El Nino Southern Oscillation on climate in Southeast Asia | 2004 | Kelly, Dr. P.M. |
Slonosky, V.C. | Variability in surface atmospheric circulation over Europe from early instrumental records | 1999 | Jones, Prof. P. |
Swann, M.J. | Seasonal forecasting of exterme wind and precipitation frequencies in Europe Warning! Links to a large, single pdf file | 2009 | Jones, Prof. P. |
Thorne, P.W. | Advancing climate change detection and attribution studies in the free atmosphere | 2001 | Jones, Dr. P. |
Townsend, A. | Tracking the time-dependent evolution of extremes under climate change | 2007 | Palutikof, Prof. J.; Osborn, Dr.T. |
Trigo, I.F. | A Climatology of cyclones in the Mediterranean Region | 2000 | Davies, Prof. T.D. |
Trigo, R.M. | Improving meteorological downscaling methods with artificial neural network models | 2000 | Palutikof, Dr. J. |
Vial, J. | Climate model simulations of winter northern hemisphere atmospheric blocking: statistical assessment, dynamical perspective, regional impacts and future change | 2012 | Osborn, Dr. T.J. |
Wallace, C. | Variability in the annual cycle of temperature and atmospheric circulation | 2003 | Osborn, Dr. T.; Kelly, Dr. P.M. |
Willett, K.M. | Creation and analysis of HadCRUH: a new global surface humidity dataset | 2007 | Jones, Prof. P. |
Williams, L.D. | Investigation of the onset of glaciation in northern Canada using an energy balance snow model | 1978 | Boulton Dr. G. |
Williams, M. | Development of a spatially explicit forest succession model | 1994 | Warwick; Dr. R.;Wigley, Prof. T.M.L. |
Williamson, A. | The effects of model resolution on the South Asian and West African monsoons in the Pliocene | 2022 | Joshi, Prof. M. |
Wilson Kemsley, S. | Development of a globally calibrated stochastic weather generator with the pattern scaling technique to study future climates | 2023 | Osborn, Prof. T.J. |
Xu, G. | Diagnosis of the atmospheric hydrological cycle and its variability in the present-day climate | 2016 | Osborn, Dr. T.J. |
Yu, R.M.S. | European droughts under climate change: projections and uncertainties | 2013 | Osborn, Dr. T.J. |
Data and other materials associated with published papers
- For most papers, the data and any other necessary materials are published alongside the paper (e.g. in supplementary information) or have been made available via relevant data repositories.
- For some papers, we have made the data and code available on the UEA website