The use of rapid 3D printing technology in the design of IOLs

A novel process for intraocular lens (IOL) prototype development based on rapid computer-aided design, formulations for 3D printing, and post-printing finishing process.


  • rapid design of a wide range of different IOLs
  • rapidly manufacture new lenses, either in small quantities or for bulk production
  • reduce the product development life cycle
  • adapted to meet the requirements of different clients.


Collaborative work between Dr Aram Saeed, a Lecturer at the School of Pharmacy, and Professor Michael Wormstone, at the School of Biological Science, has resulted in  novel approaches for rapid prototyping of IOLs and robust methodology for testing of such lenses in in vitro human capsular bag models.

The team applies 3D printing technology with the aim of advancing cataract removal. The team has developed a novel process for intraocular lens prototype development based on rapid computer-aided design, formulations for 3D printing, and post-printing finishing process. 

The team can also investigate the biological performance of IOL’s using a well validated internationally recognised in vitro human capsular bag model developed at UEA; the data generated can be used to inform the next iterations of IOL design.


Principal Investigator

Led by Professor Michael Wormstone - Biological performance - PCO

Led by Dr Aram Saeed - IOL and Rapid prototyping 


Further Details

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