How does study abroad fit in with my course?
Year Abroad students 4-year degree
Year 1 - Attend talks and research options
Beginning of Year 2 - Choose universities and receive destination allocation
End of Year 2 - Apply to host destination and prepare for travel
Year 3 - Study Abroad
Year 4 - Final Year at UEA
Semester Abroad students 3-year degree
Beginning of Year 1 - Attend talks and research options
End of Year 1 - Choose universities and receive destination allocation
Autumn of Year 2 - Apply to host destination and prepare for travel
Spring of Year 2 - Study Abroad
Year 3 - Final Year at UEA
Do I pay tuition fees?
Studying abroad is an exchange programme. This means that students spending a year or semester abroad don't pay any tuition fees to the university abroad (no matter where it is!).
For the year abroad, home fee-payers pay 15% of their UEA tuition fees and international fee-payers pay 25% of their UEA tuition fees.
What financial support opportunities are available?
Students in receipt of Student Finance are still covered for their period abroad. · Some students can apply for the Student Finance Travel Grant. Eligibility applies.
Students may also be eligible for a UEA based scholarships to support them whilst abroad (dependent on school). Use the UEA Scholarships Finder for more information.
How much will it cost?
This varies depending on where you go and your own lifestyle.
Expenses that should be considered when budgeting include:
Flights and other travel to destination / host university
Accommodation – are you required to live on campus or can you find privately rented accommodation?
Food – are you required to purchase a meal plan?
Mandatory fees such as admin fees and student activity fees at the host university. Some partner universities require students to pay certain fees such as, on-campus accommodation, meal plans or mandatory health insurance.
Visa application fees (if applicable, this depends on the student’s nationality and on the study abroad destination)
Proof of funds when applying for a visa (this depends on the host university/country). This shows you are able to sustain yourself financially during your time abroad. Students can demonstrate they have access to funds through using their Student Finance statement, personal bank statements, guarantor/sponsor letters or scholarship/bursary certificates.
Mandatory health insurance at host university (if applicable, this depends on the partner university)
Travel insurance
Medical costs (some universities / countries require X-ray, blood tests, vaccinations, and medical history results, which may be charged for)
Cost of living. The cost of living varies around the world and across different regions, states and cities. Some locations are more expensive or cheaper compared to the UK. Students should conduct research to find a location suitable for their budget.
What support is available from UEA?
Our team of study abroad advisers help students through the process of choosing a destination, applying to the university, and preparing to move abroad. We’re also there while you’re away with any questions or concerns.
We offer a range of preparation and community sessions:
One-to-one appointments.
Drop-in campus presence in the Student Information Zone.
Preparation workshops.
Information lectures.
Community coffee mornings.
Buddy scheme with returned and visiting study abroad students.
Social events.
Each School of Study has a study abroad academic coordinator who advises on academic aspects, including choosing and approving classes you take abroad and reviewing your transcript.
Student Services at UEA can also support you in preparing to move and communicating any reasonable adjustments you have here at UEA to the university abroad.
What support is available while I’m abroad?
You are still a UEA student during your year or semester abroad, so you can continue to access any support facilities available to you from UEA. You also have access to all the services available at your university host abroad – their international/study abroad office, student support services, and academic guidance.
Our partner universities know UEA well and they are there to support you while you study with them – they are always on hand to help you overcome challenges and enjoy your time abroad.
It's easiest if you get in touch directly with support services at your host university abroad while you're there. This will make communication quicker and more direct. If you don't know who to speak with at your host university, ask us at
Our host partner universities abroad may have their own governing principles, for example around academic teaching, assessment methodology and third party contact (please see the link to UEA's third party contact guidelines below under question 'Can a third party (e.g. parent, carer or guardian) contact you about my study abroad placement if I'm abroad and it's hard to get in touch?'). Students studying at a host partner university are required to abide by their governing principles.
Will my grades abroad count towards my degree?
For most Bachelors degrees, your semester or year abroad is a pass/fail. This means your results from the university abroad are not converted into your final UEA degree classification. You need to pass, though!
Going on a year abroad as part of an Integrated Masters of Science degree means your marks at your university abroad count towards your final UEA degree classification.
For students doing a degree with a modern language, your year abroad is compulsory and assessed through project work and demonstratable engagement. The results from your classes abroad do not count.
What happens if I need to leave my year abroad early?
We understand that sometimes things can change and students might need or want to finish the year abroad early.
You need to discuss any options with your School of Study before changes are confirmed. This will depend on your degree programmes (some degrees do not have a variant without a year abroad) and when you are leaving your year abroad.
If you return home before the UEA academic year begins, you should be able to transfer onto the version of your degree without a year abroad and start back at UEA.
If you return home later in the year abroad, after UEA's term starts, you need to request a break in studies and would then rejoin UEA the following academic year.
Please note that there will not be financial reimbursement for any costs incurred in leaving your year abroad early.
Can a third party (e.g. parent, carer or guardian) contact you about my study abroad placement if I'm abroad and it's hard to get in touch?
In line with the university's policies and data protection regulations, unless we have explicit consent from a student (or you are under 18), we are not allowed to speak with any third party about your situation or share any information regarding you or your placement. This is true both before you go abroad and while you are away.
You can see further details on our FAQ page.
If you are happy for us to speak with a third party about your study abroad journey or placement, please ensure you provide us with written permission and a named person.
For out-of-hours emergency situations only, you should call the emergency services or 01603 592222 (Security) for assistance.