Research and Specialist Computing

Research Support and Services

The Research and Specialist Computing team at UEA provide specialist computing services for the research community. We work closely with research users to optimise the potential of the central computing resources.



The provision and support of the High Performance Computing cluster, which provides high performance and high throughput computing facilities to the UEA research community and support for intensive visualisation software.


Specialist desktop support including a standardised UEA Ubuntu Linux desktop that conforms to UEA security and authentication standards.


Development of bespoke software for instrument control and data collection, database applications and dynamic websites.


Specialist project support - we can offer costings and advice on:

  • Data Storage
  • How to process your data (Local vs High Performance Computing (HPC))
  • Laptop / Desktop requirements and quotes (Windows, Linux and Mac OS)
  • Website requirements for your project (Simple vs Bespoke)
  • Data Compliance requirements (NHS DSP, GDPR, Cyber Essentials Plus)

Research and Specialist Computing Support can also provide assistance, advice and support on a range of IT and computing issues relating to research. This may include IT and computing requirements for research projects and contact information and/or liaising with other ISD teams, university community based experts or vender software/hardware experts.

A full service level description for Research Computing Services (UEA Only)
