Child placement research in the Centre for Research on Children and Families builds on a long history of influential research going back to studies of permanence in fostering and adoption in the 1980s.

Our research has included a range of studies of adoption and foster care, with more recent projects including care planning, offenders in care and residential care.  Our studies have included all participants in the child placement process – children; birth, foster and adoptive family members; and multi-professional networks.

We have had a particular interest in engaging with the voices of children in our projects and also in exploring the role of birth families, particularly through contact. The CRCF has a reputation for using a psychosocial approach to understand both the family relationships and the systems that need to work well to ensure that placements are successful.

Young People's Transitions from Residential to Foster Care

Child in Care and Reunification with Birth Parents

Moving To Adoption

From Being Adopted to Becoming a Parent

Planning and supporting permanence in long-term foster care

The one adoption centre of excellence adoption support assessment process

Evaluation of a dyadic developmental psychotherapy practice programme

Care Planning and the Role of the Independent Reviewing Officer

Evaluation of the Letter Swap Pilot