Norwich is a vibrant city with many opportunities to get involved in the local community through volunteering or events.
Local environmental groups
Climate Hope Action in Norfolk (CHAIN) is a new independent group in Norwich, dedicated to raising public awareness of climate change, and putting pressure on the government to on promises and targets set at the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21).
They work across a number of themes: political engagement; projects in local schools; media and online promotion and awareness-raising; and general community events.
Volunteering examples
Volunteering makes you feel good: it makes the most of your talents, helps you learn new skills, builds confidence, looks good on your CV and can lead to new friendships.
Our Careers Central website includes a number of ways to be involved with volunteering, including to gain points in the UEA Award.
There are opportunities within our university, including Next Steps in primary schools and supporting international students with the Dean of Students' Office.
Voluntary Norfolk promotes, supports and develops volunteering and the work of voluntary organisations.
They can help you to find volunteering opportunities that match your interests, whether you are keen on arts, heritage, working with animals, giving advice and information, serving as a trustee, fundraising, working in charity shops or driving.
Norwich FoodCycle cooks up healthy meals using the surplus ingredients that they collect from local suppliers, every week. They are always looking for volunteers.
Norwich Foodbank provides emergency food for local people in crisis.
The Foodbank supports local individuals and families who find themselves on the edge of disaster through the provision of emergency food supplies. You can support them through donations, or by volunteering to drive or pack food donations.
Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Services are a specialist domestic abuse charity and currently support over 8,000 adults, children and young people every year throughout Norfolk and Waveney. It is their primary aim to offer advice, support and information to anyone who has or is currently experiencing domestic abuse.
Find volunteering opportunities across Norfolk and Waveney through Leeway's website.
Careers service
This list is by no means exhaustive. Check out the Careers Service website for other potential student opportunities, including internships, and keep an eye out in the local press.
Community engagement
There may be funds available to support raising wider awareness of your initiative.
The Small Expenses fund is for individual UEA/NRP staff, students and postgraduate researchers to claim expenses related to their public and community engagement activity.