A publication scheme is a guide that describes the information a public authority publishes or intends to publish. The intention of the scheme is to ensure that a significant amount of information is easily and routinely available.
Model publication scheme for higher education
The Information Commissioner's Office published an updated 'model publication scheme' for organisations in 2015 and an updated 'definition document for universities and other higher education institutions' in 2021.
These documents set out the types of information universities are expected to publish. The University of East Anglia has adopted this model publication scheme and is committed to publishing the information it describes, as guided by the definition document and the terms of the Act itself.
Information covered by the publication scheme
This publication scheme is intended to provide a guide to the information that the University publishes, and should not be considered a definitive list. To access the information available via the publication scheme, simply select each class of information. More information can be found using the search functionality on the menu bar.
Information not covered by the publication scheme
Any information not included in this scheme may still be accessible under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please contact the Information Compliance team at foi@uea.ac.uk or view the requests for information page.
Copyright statement
Copyright over all the information listed within the publication scheme is owned by the University of East Anglia.
The Model Publication Scheme we have adopted allows us to levy charges for the provision of information in order to recover our costs. However, our policy is not to charge fees to recover costs of providing the information. All online and printed material is provided free of charge.