Psychology can examine individual processes, dispositions and decisions as well as design interventions to influence behaviour. This might be focused on Management, Employees or Customers.
You might want to avoid biases in management decision making, to understand what makes employees more productive or to evaluate customer’s interest in a service.
Psychology can focus upon Knowledge, Attitude/Belief/Bias, Processing/Attention, and Personality. We look at what people know and believe, how they attend to and process information and the influence of personality types on thinking and behaviour.
We use explicit measures - where respondents are asked directly. We also use implicit measures when respondents don’t or can’t explain what we want to understand.
Explicit measures - questionnaire design, hosting and analysis.
Implicit measures - Eyetracking/Reaction time tasks/Brain measurement/Physiological measurement - design run and analyse.
Case Studies
Dr Andrew Bayliss, Associate Professor and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
We have used eyetracking, pupillometry and physiological measures to look at how people engage with computer-based literacy, numeracy and problem-solving competency tasks for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Dr Piers Fleming, Associate Professor and UNITAS
Personality questionnaires were used to assess what kind of participants benefit most from Summer Arts Colleges with UNITAS (a company that designs, manages and funds innovative national programmes for young people at risk of social exclusion and provides accredited training for the practitioners who work with them).