The Quantum Fluids group develops new mathematical methods to solve problems arising in this area physics.
Our research mainly focuses on open questions in quantum fluids but also addresses longstanding problems in other branches of nonlinear physics like integrable systems, nonlinear optics, and water waves.
Quantum fluids are distinct from classical fluids in that both quantum mechanics and quantum statistics are required in order to explain their properties. One of the most profound macroscopic manifestations of such quantum effects is the phenomenon of superfluidity in which a fluid can flow without any dissipation and can rotate by creating quantized vortices (example of topological defects). Our interests in quantum fluids span from the study of the existence of topological defects and their dynamics, to the understanding of the regimes that arise when a quantum fluid is driven far from equilibrium.
We use some of the mathematical techniques we develop to study quantum fluids to tackle other problems in physics and, specifically, in nonlinear physics. This latter is a huge research area that includes, for instance, the forecast of extreme waves in ocean (water waves), the behaviour of light propagating in optical fibres (nonlinear optics), and special mathematical models (integrable systems) that are often idealisation of some of the physical systems mentioned before.