Welcome to the partnership pages for the Primary PGCE at UEA.
Whether you are working in a school or academy which currently supports UEA trainees, or employs UEA alumni, you should feel part of this partnership with us. Our ‘vision of excellence’ is to continue to educate the future generation of excellent teachers, by providing an outstanding course, modelled in response to the needs of schools, as well as national and local agendas. This entails the development of teachers who are strong practitioners in both phase and subject-specific pedagogy and in meeting the needs of all learners.
The collaborative management structure of the partnership maximises the contribution of leaders and managers at all levels, promotes accountability and is highly responsive to national and local educational initiatives. Partnership schools are fully involved in decision making processes; developments are often stimulated by the good practice identified in meetings and reviews and shared across the partnership. It may be that you have come across this page in your desire to become involved (or more involved) in the UEA Primary PGCE Partnership. You can find below information regarding different ways of doing this.