Our annual Workshop on Behavioural GameTheory offers leading researchers the opportunity to present current experimental research related to the topic of game theory: the study of strategic interaction using methods of game theory, experimental economics, and psychology.

UEA’s 10th Behavioral Game Theory Workshop and methods training for PhD students.

The School of Economics and the Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science (CBESS) at the University of East Anglia will be holding our 10th annual workshop on behavioral game theory on July 8th and 9th. We will also hold several events associated with the workshop designed to train PhD students in experimental methods.

The purpose of the workshop is to present current experimental and behavioral research related to the topic of game theory. Our theme this year is experimental methods, including methods of belief elicitation, choice process observation, incentivization, implementing lab experiments in the field,  etc. All papers that lie at the intersection of game theory, behavioral economics, and experimental economics will be considered, but we will give priority to papers that fit with this year’s theme. 

Key Dates

Submission ends on 15 April 2024

Notification of acceptance takes place on 3 May 2024

Registration opens on 4 May 2024

Registration closes on 9 June 2024

Workshop takes place on 8 & 9 July 2024

2024 Plenary Speakers:

Victoria Prowse, Purdue University

Alistair Wilson, University of Pittsburgh

We are going to hold this year’s workshop face-to-face in Norwich, UK. The general format will be a small number of relatively long paper presentations. We will also hold a poster session for papers that are not selected for presentation. PhD students are especially encouraged to submit papers for the poster session as a way of getting feedback on their work in progress.

To assist PhD students and early career researchers, the workshop will include a panel discussion on experimental methodology. We will also run a mentoring session designed to facilitate 1-on-1 conversations between early career researchers, graduate students, and faculty members. Students in the early stages of their dissertation are particularly encouraged to get feedback on methodological issues.

If you would like to present a paper or poster, you can submit an extended abstract or paper online. The last date for submission of presentations is 15 April, and we will let you know if your paper has been accepted for presentation by 3 May. Please be certain to indicate whether you are applying for a presentation or poster, and if you would be interested in presenting a poster if your paper is not accepted for presentation.

You are invited to attend the conference even if you are not presenting a paper or poster. All attendees of the workshop, including speakers, will need to register to attend this year’s workshop via the UEA Store. Registration will open on 4 May. Please note that places are limited so please ensure that you sign up to register as soon as possible.

There will be no conference fees for speakers or attendees of the workshop. Due to budget restrictions, we will be unable to provide any additional support this year and all speakers and attendees will need to source their own accommodation and travel.

We are looking forward to this workshop and hope you will be attending!

David J. Cooper, University of Iowa & University of East Anglia

Stefan Penczynski, University of East Anglia

Our annual Workshop on Behavioral Game Theory offers leading researchers the opportunity to present current experimental research related to the topic of game theory: the study of strategic interaction using methods of game theory, experimental economics and psychology. 


Key Dates 

Submission ends on 14 April 2023 

Notification of acceptance takes place on 28 April  2023 

Workshop takes place on 3 and 4July 2023 


Submit your paper here 


The School of Economics and the Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science (CBESS) at the University of East Anglia will be holding our 9th annual workshop on behavioral game theory on 3 and 4 July . The purpose of this workshop is to present current experimental and behavioral research related to the topic of game theory. Our theme this year is bounded rationality, including topics such as level-k models, QRE, rational inattention, and learning. All papers that lie at the intersection of game theory, behavioral economics, and experimental economics will be considered, but we will give priority to papers that fit with this year’s theme.  


2023 Plenary Speakers:  

Terri Kneeland, University College London 

Agnieszka Tymula, The University of Sydney  

Vincent Crawford, University of Oxford and University of California, San Diego 


We are going to hold this year’s workshop face-to-face in Norwich. The general format will be a small number of relatively long paper presentations. To facilitate feedback and interaction, papers that are accepted will also be assigned a discussant. 


If you would like to present a paper, you can submit an extended abstract or paper. The last date for submission of presentations is 14 April, and we will let you know if your paper has been accepted for presentation by 28 April.  You are invited to attend the conference even if you are not presenting a paper. We will announce registration information when the conference program is released.  


There will be no conference fees for speakers or attendees of the workshop. Due to budget restrictions, we will be unable to provide any additional support this year and all speakers and attendees will need to source their own accommodation and travel.  


Graduate students may also be interested in UEA’s PhD summer school course in behavioral game theory that immediately precedes the workshop (5-7 July).  The course is designed to provide a short introduction to experimental research related to behavioral game theory. To book a place on the Behavioral Game Theory Summer School, please visit the UEA Store.  In the past, many students have attended the course and then attended the workshop. 


Organisers: Ariel Gu, Mark Le Quement and David Cooper 

The School of Economics and the Centre for Behavioral and Experimental Social Science (CBESS) at the University of East Anglia hosted our 8th Annual Workshop on Behavioral Game Theory in July 2022. The workshop gratefully saw the return of in-person presentations and attendance here in Norwich, but also welcomed a new opportunity which enabled us to offer the workshop in a hybrid format, allowing people to also attend the workshop online from all around the world.

The purpose of the workshop was to present current experimental and behavioral research related to the topic of game theory with the theme of this year’s workshop being ‘Cooperation.’

Following the ‘Cooperation’ theme, this year’s presentations covered a variety of topics at the intersection of behavioral economics, game theory, and experimental economics. Our plenary speakers presented highly exciting work in this area, such as a model of revealed altruistic preferences in networks that can be used to rationalise observed behaviour of transfers and remittances (by Yann Bramoullé from Aix-Marseille School of Economics), a field experiment involving escape rooms to investigate the value of leadership in teams who are confronted with non-routine tasks (by Florian Englmaier from LMU Munich), and how data from free-form communication can help us better understand how teams can better coordinate on cooperative outcomes (by our very own David Cooper from UEA and the University of Iowa).

The plenary speakers presented alongside 13 other outstanding presenters from all around the world. Presentations by our participants also discussed various projects on public good provision, the role of group identity on behaviour in strategic settings, and the role of prosocial preferences in sustaining peer-to-peer book exchange markets.

After two years of an online format, we were incredibly grateful for the positive reception that we received for hosting the workshop in the hybrid format. The in-person format helped facilitate many fruitful networking, discussions, and exchange of ideas between presentations, whilst the online format allowed for greater inclusivity. We are already looking forward to hosting the next iteration of the workshop!

2022 Speakers:

Anna Bayona Font

ESADE Business School

Adriaan Soetevent

University of Groningen

Alistair Wilson

University of Pittsburgh

Andrea Isoni

Warwick Business School

Ayse Gul Mermer

University of Amsterdam, CREED & Utrecht University

Boon Han Koh

University of East Anglia

David Cooper

University of East Anglia & The University of IOWA

David Jimenez-Gomez

University of Alicante

Diego Marino Fages

University of Nottingham

Irenaeus Wolff

Thurgau Institute of Economics & University of Konstanz

Martin Sefton

University of Nottingham

Stefan Penczynski

University of East Anglia

Theodore Turocy

University of East Anglia

Tom Wilkening

University of Melbourne


Plenary Speakers 2022

Florian Englmaier

Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) of Munich

Yann Bramoullé

Aix-Marseille School of Economics


We also offer graduate students the opportunity to attend our annual PhD summer school course in behavioural game theory which immediately precedes the workshop. The course is designed to provide a short introduction to experimental research related to behavioural game theory. 

We are hoping to hold this year’s workshop face-to-face in Norwich, but, given the current COVID-19 crisis, it is possible that we will be forced to hold the conference online. In either case we plan to live stream all of the talks.

The 7th Annual Workshop on Behavioral Game Theory was hosted by the School of Economics and the Centre for Behavioral and Experimental Social Science (CBESS) in July 2021. For the second and hopefully final time, the workshop was held online due to COVID-19.

The theme of this year’s workshop was ‘Dynamic Game Theory’. Despite not being able to meet in person, the workshop was a great success. We had twenty-three speakers from universities around the world, covering a wide variety of topics in experimental economics and economic theory. Among our keynote speakers, Jörgen Weibull (Stockholm School of Economics) spoke about alternative models of other-regarding behavior, Yan Chen (University of Michigan) presented research about the use of team competition to incentivize ride-share drivers in a large-scale field experiment, and Cristina Bicchieri (University of Pennsylvia) discussed punishment of norm violators and compensation for their victims.

Our goal for the workshop is to promote the world class research conducted at UEA in behavioral economics and experimental economics. It took a lot of improvisation and a great deal of help from our outstanding staff, but we feel that we achieved our goals despite trying circumstances. Submissions reached record levels, and we increased the number of presented papers and added discussants as means of increasing participation. Sessions were well attended, with between 50 and 80 individuals listening to the talks at any given time.

2021 Speakers:

Daniel Friedman

UC Santa Cruz

Yaroslav Rosokha

Purdue University

Heinrich Nax

University of Zurich

Frank Heinemann

TU Berlin

Friederike Mengel

University of Essex

Andis Sofianos

University of Heidelberg

David Gill

Purdue University

Tridib Sharma


Alexander Brown

Texas A&M University

Tatiana Kornienko

University of Edinburgh

Xiaomin Li


Emanuel Vespa

University of California, San Diego

Evan Calford

Australian National University

Chiara Aina

University of Zurich

Yuval Heller

Bar-Ilan University

Alistair Wilson

University of Pittsburgh

Andy Brownback

University of Arkansas

Manuel Munoz-Herrera

NYU Abu Dhabi

David J Cooper

Florida State University & University of East Anglia

Filippo Massari

University of East Anglia


Plenary Speakers:

Cristina Bicchieri

University of Pennsylvania

Yan Chen

University of Michigan

Jörgen Weibull

Stockholm School of Economics

The 6th Annual Workshop on Behavioral Game Theory was hosted by the School of Economics and the Centre for Behavioral and Experimental Social Science (CBESS) in July 2020. For the first time, the workshop was held online due to COVID-19.

The theme of this year’s workshop was ‘Behavioral Industrial Organisation’. Despite the difficult circumstance due to the ongoing pandemic, the workshop was a great success. We had fifteen speakers from universities around the world, covering a wide variety of topics representing experimental economics, economic theory, and empirical industrial organisation. We also had a productive panel discussion about the relationship between industrial organisation and behavioural economics. Among our keynote speakers, Julie Mortimer (Boston College) and Alistair Wilson (University of Pittsburgh) spoke about pricing and collusion, while Kfir Elias (Tel Aviv University) presented a model of competing narratives. 

Our goal for the workshop is to promote the world class research conducted at UEA in behavioral economics and experimental economics, and this year was intended to additionally highlight our industrial organisation group. It took a lot of improvisation and a great deal of help from our outstanding staff, but we feel that we achieved our goals despite trying circumstances.

The fifth annual workshop on Behavioral Game Theory was hosted by the School of Economics at the King’s Centre in Norwich.

The workshop featured talks on the topic of information disclosure and Bayesian persuasion as well as contributions in the wider field of Behavioral Game Theory. Across the two days of the workshop, researchers addressed interesting topics such as disclosure of verifiable information under competition, benign and self-serving information reduction, teams and individuals in repeated prisoner’s dilemma games, information defaults in public good provision, news sharing on social networks, and many others.

Keynote speakers: 

Alessandro Lizzeri (New York University, Stern School of Business)

Maria Montero (University of Nottingham)

Erik Eyster (London School of Economics)

View 2019 programme

The fourth annual workshop on Behavioral Game Theory was hosted by the School of Economics, on campus at UEA.

Plenary Speakers:

Jordi Brandts (IAE-CSIC and Barcelona GSE)

Daniele Nosenzo (University of Nottingham)

Robert Sugden (University of East Anglia)

View 2018 programme

The third annual workshop on Behavioral Game Theory was hosted by the School of Economics at The Assembly House, Norwich.

For 2017 the topic was Psychological Game Theory and the School of Economics proudly hosted the second Workshop on Psychological Game Theory. Leading researchers presented and discussed their latest research at the workshop. Proceedings of the workshop and other submitted papers formed a special issue of the Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation co-edited by Martin Dufwenberg and Amrish Patel.

Plenary Speakers:

Pierpaolo Battigalli (Bocconi University)
Self-confirming Equilibrium and Rationalisability in Psychological Games

Matthew Rabin (Harvard University)
From Psychological Games to the Economics of Belief-Based Utility

Other Speakers:

Gary Charness (University California SB)

Martin Dufwenberg (University of Arizona)

Georg Kirchsteiger (ECARES)

Robert Sugden (University of East Anglia)

View 2017 programme

This workshop was co-funded by the Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation.

The Second Workshop on Behavioral Game Theory was held in June 2016 at The King’s Centre, Norwich.

Plenary Speaker:

Ariel Rubinstein (Tel Aviv University)

Other speakers:

David Cooper (University of East Anglia)

Miguel Costa Gomes (University of St Andrews)

Enrique Fatas (University of East Anglia)

Shaun Hargreaves Heap (King's College London)

Friedrike Mengel (University of Essex)

Antonio Morales (University of Malaga)

Joerg Oechssler (Heidelberg University)

Roberto Weber (University of Zurich)

Eyal Winter (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and University of Leicester)

View 2016 programme

In June 2015 The School of Economics held its inaugural workshop on Behavioral Game Theory, at the King’s Centre, Norwich.


Eyal Winter (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and University of Leicester)

Sotiris Georganas (City University London)

Shaun Hargreaves Heap (King’s College London)

Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh)

Nagore Iriberri (University of the Basque Country)

View 2015 programme