Whilst research in our Chemistry department has impacts across business, the Government and in public engagement, it's fair to say that the strongest impact of chemistry research is economic.
Central to our ethos is developing strong and lasting relationships with industry and with companies of all sizes, from large multinationals through to SMEs.
Through our extensive work with industry, we help to improve business performance by working collaboratively or in a consultancy capacity. We have a strong track record in patenting and licensing our research outputs and in creating successful spin-out companies. We also run industry-specific research lectures and industry days and include industrial input in our taught courses for undergraduates.
Alongside our work with industry, ensuring that our work also positively affects society in other ways is central to our mission. We run extensive and varied programmes of activities for the general public. Along with a large number of public lectures and workshops across the UK, we have also presented our research at venues such as the Norwich Science Olympiad, the Royal Society's Summer Exhibition and Café Scientifique. All our researchers are supported in seeking and implementing impact from their research and we aim to ensure a focus on the end users of our research across all our projects.
Three case studies showcase some of the ways in which our research has had an impact.