Accreditation of Prior Learning
The QAA Quality Code’s Expectations for Standards (2018) states that:
‘Effective admissions, recruitment and widening access policies and procedures enable providers to recruit students who are capable of meeting the required standards for their course.’
Partners can admit students on the basis of Accreditation of Prior Learning, including Certified Learning or Experiential Learning (AP(E)L), through a policy approved by UEA.
Depending on the amount and level of AP(E)L in the application the approval will either be delegated to partners or will require approval by the UEA Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Partnerships and Apprenticeships.
A concession occurs when a partner institution is not able to apply its normal regulations or procedures (as approved by UEA) to a situation relating to students, modules or courses. In such situations it may be necessary to explore whether there is an alternative approach available (a concession), to remedy the situation.
The following tables outline the most commonly occurring concessions and responsibility for approval. Approval for the concession will be the responsibility of either the partner institution or UEA Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Partnerships and Apprenticeships.
The concessions are grouped into the following tables:
Course transfers
Amendments to module enrolments/course profiles (individual)
Repeat periods of study
Interruption to Period of Study (formerly known as Intercalation)
Governance and Oversight Principles
UEA academic partnerships arrangements are subject to a number of governance documents. Ownership of these documents will be split between UEA and the partner institution. Ownership is defined as having responsibility for reviewing, updating and approving the documentation on a regular basis.
The institution responsible for owning individual documents will be determined based on the following principles:
Documents relating to academic decisions or practices will be owned by UEA
Documents relating to non-academic matters will be owned by the partner institution
Documents applicable to all students studying at a partner institution (not just HE students studying towards UEA awards) will be owned by the partner institution.
For further information please see the following document: