The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences provides a vibrant environment for high quality research.
Research in the Faculty covers all aspects of the UK Clinical Research Collaboration pipeline and leads to both economic and societal benefits. We have research strengths in: clinical medicine (especially gastroenterology, medical microbiology, musculoskeletal science, cardiovascular medicine and prostate cancer); epidemiology and public health; health services research (including primary care); dietary influences on health; nursing and rehabilitation sciences; and clinical psychology.
The science and impact of our research is enhanced by our collaborations across the Norwich Research Park, which also provides access to an associated range of shared, state-of-the-art research facilities.
Our research is underpinned by expertise in a comprehensive range of relevant methodologies including medical statistics, health economics and qualitative research methods. Together with the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Trust, we host the UK CRC fully-registered Norwich Clinical Trials Unit. The Faculty is also home to the Norfolk and Suffolk hub of the East of England Research Design Service.
Researchers in the Faculty hold research grants from national and international bodies including the UK Research Councils, the National Institute for Health Research, the European Union, the Wellcome Trust, and other major funders of health research.
We are partners in the Eastern Academic Health Sciences Network and the NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care East of England.
Our research has generated changes in policy and practice, underpinned clinical guidelines and has been exploited commercially to bring economic and health benefits.
Join us
If you share our commitment to world-leading research then join us as a member of staff, as a student, or as a research partner.
Job Vacancies
of research outputs in Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy by UEA scientists in the School of Pharmacy, the School of Health Sciences and Norwich Medical School was assessed to be ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent'
Research Excellence Framework 2021
of our research environment was rated world-leading or internationally excellent
Research Excellence Framework 2014
of our research output were rated world-leading or internationally excellent
Research Excellence Framework 2014