Citizens Academy

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The Citizens Academy, based within the Faculty of Medicine and Health, represents a coordinated approach to involving members of the public, patients, and experts with relevant experience across all aspects of teaching and research.

The academy seeks to work collaboratively with existing structures for patient and public engagement and involvement (PPIE) not just across the faculty, but also beyond, by collaborating and supporting the work of PPIE within trusts, voluntary organisations and charities that we regularly partner with. The Citizens Academy aims to provide a central ‘hub’ to bring together PPIE activities including recruitment of members, training resources, mentorship, and also taking a coordinated approach to aspects such as payment policy and good practice guidelines. 

The Citizens Academy is led by Dr Helen Parretti, working with PPIE leads across the faculty. Helen welcomes all enquiries and is looking forward to working collaboratively on this exciting and innovative new faculty venture.

At the heart of the Citizens Academy is our shared desire to ultimately improve health education and research, by involving and engaging with members of the public and patients in everything we do.

Get Involved

If you are interested in learning more about the Citizens Academy, to get invovled in our work, or to find out how we can help you, contact us at

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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The Citizens Academy is dedicated to increasing equality, diversity and inclusion across all areas of patient and public engagement and involvement.  

We are also proud to uphold UEA’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policies