Investigate the Challenge Posed by the Information Society

Accreditation: 20 UCU/10 ECTS

Academic level: Undergraduate level 5 

Increased access to the internet has played a significant role in how media industries and governments regulate the media. This has led to concerns about human rights and has posed new problems for the law. Many have predicted that the internet will make borders less relevant, especially with the prevalence of smart phones and mobile technologies.

You will be encouraged to share the legal systems of your own country to explore the challenges posed by the developments of the ‘information society’.

We will investigate the increasingly globalised and integrated media industries, looking to the rule of law and to national legal systems.

Topics covered will include media regulation, electronic commerce, human rights, global governance of the internet, and disputes between states as to the extent to which national laws apply to transnational messages and transactions.

Previous Field trips have included

Royal Courts of Justice, The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom (London). 

By the end of this module students will

  • Develop their understanding of the role of law (ranging from human rights to commercial) in controlling, influencing or encouraging forms of expression and communication. 

  • Learn to appreciate the differences between media and different technologies - from legal, social, cultural and economic points of view. 

  • Learn to explain how courts and legislators try to ‘balance’ competing interests e.g. speech and privacy, national culture and transnational markets.


Students should have experienced some study of law but not necessarily a law degree. Students should also come equipped with an interest in learning about Global Media and Communications Law.

Hear from our Alumni

UEA International Summer School was the perfect opportunity to gain international awareness and to narrow the distances among countries and continents.

María Emilia from Uruguay, Global Media and Communications Law 2017 - read the full post on our blog!