The School of Politics, Philosophy, and Area Studies at the University of East Anglia (UEA) seeks high quality and exciting applications for PhD projects in politics and IR.
Applications must be completed in the online application system by 13 December 2024 (CHASE) or 6 January 2025 (SENSS), but applicants are advised to get in touch with potential supervisors as soon as possible.
The UEA participates in both the ESRC funded SENSS doctoral training programme and the AHRC funded CHASE doctoral training programme and we will support applicants for either depending on the nature of the project. We are open to a diversity of topics and methodologies.
We are especially interested in supporting PhDs on:
Political and international relations theory, especially constructivism;
Quantitative methods in politics and international relations;
International law, legal norms;
Electoral politics and election integrity;
Political party communication and dynamics, as well as populist and extremist political actors and speech;
Public policy and policy making in energy, environment, climate, migration, labour, media, digital services and culture;
Systems of governance and regulation;
Political and civil conflict and its resolution, especially UN peacekeeping and peace processes;
Nuclear deterrence, security and foreign policy analysis;
International relations in East Asia, especially Japan and Korea
You will be part of a department working at the cutting-edge politics, IR and public policy in a number of areas with 90% of its research outputs being classed as world leading or internationally excellent in the 2021 Research Excellent Framework exercise. You will be part of a dynamic department that is doing excellent research and highly engaged in wider impact activities. You will also join a welcoming group of PhD scholars within PPA who benefit from collective work and social spaces, an excellent library, and the lovely environment that the city of Norwich and UEA Campus provide.
Feel free to contact potential supervisors directly or the PPA Director of Postgraduate studies, Sally Broughton Micova at with questions.