Bibliography of papers and reports on saltmarsh restoration


Prepared by Dr. Alastair Grant, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.

4th January, 2002


If you have published in this field, and would like your work added to this bibliography, please email details to:  I am willing to include details of material published in the “grey literature”, but please include either an email address of someone from who copies may be obtained or a location from which an electronic copy may be downloaded.


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Able, K. W. and S. M. Hagan (2000). “Effects of common reed (Phragmites australis) invasion on marsh surface macrofauna: Response of fishes and decapod crustaceans.” Estuaries 23(5): 633-646.

Adam, P. Morecambe Bay saltmarshes: 25 years of change. British saltmarshes, Forrest Text.

Allen, E. A., P. E. Fell, et al. (1994). “Gut Contents of Common Mummichogs, Fundulus-Heteroclitus L, in a Restored Impounded Marsh and in Natural Reference Marshes.” Estuaries 17(2): 462-471.

Allen, J. R. L. Historical set-back on saltmarshes in the Severn Estuary, SW Britain. British saltmarshes, Forrest Text.

Allen, J. R. L. (2000). “Morphodynamics of Holocene salt marshes: a review sketch from the Atlantic and Southern North Sea coasts of Europe.” Quaternary Science Reviews 19(12): 1155-1231.

Allison, S. K. (1995). “Recovery from Small-Scale Anthropogenic Disturbances by Northern California Salt-Marsh Plant Assemblages.” Ecological Applications 5(3): 693-702.

Allison, S. K. (1996). “Recruitment and establishment of salt marsh plants following disturbance by flooding.” American Midland Naturalist 136(2): 232-247.

Alphin, T. D. and M. H. Posey (2000). “Long-term trends in vegetation dominance and infaunal community composition in created marshes.” Wetlands Ecology and Management 8(5): 317-325.

Anisfeld, S. C., M. Tobin, et al. (1999). “Sedimentation rates in flow-restricted and restored salt marshes in Long Island Sound.” Estuaries 22(2A): 231-244.

Anonymous (1993). Managed retreat: the National Rivers Authority perspective. Rising sea level and coastal defence, Belfast, Liverpool.

Anonymous (1995). “Tactical Retreat: The concept of managed setback.” New Civil Engineer: 22.

Anonymous (1999). “Coastal management: Managed retreat.” Csm -London- 9(2): 28.

Anonymous (2000). “Managed retreat is one possible solution to coastal flooding. But, asks Paul Ainscough, who will pay the price?” Surveyor -Sutton Then London-(5606): 14-15.

Babcock, M. M., P. M. Rounds, et al. (1994). 1991 and 1992 Recovery and Monitoring and Restoration of Intertidal Oiled Mussel (Mytilus Trossulus) Beds in Prince William Sound Impacted by the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Bridges of science between North America and the Russian Far East: Ocean pollution in the Arctic North and the Russian Far East; proceedings from the ocean pollution session of the conference "Bridges of science between North America and the Russian Far East", Valdivostok; Russia, Washington D. C.

Barnaby, M. A., J. N. Collins, et al. (1985). “Aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of natural and ditched potholes in a San Francisco Bay salt marsh.” Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 20: 331-347.

Bartol, I. K. and R. Mann (1995). Small-scale Patterns of Recruitment on a Constructed Intertidal Reef: The Role of Spatial Refugia. Oyster reef habitat restoration: a synopsis and synthesis of approaches, Williamsburg, VA, VIMS Press.

Bartol, I. K., R. Mann, et al. (1999). “Growth and mortality of oysters (Crassostrea virginica) on constructed intertidal reefs: effects of tidal height and substrate level.” Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 237(2): 157-184.

Bedford, B. L. (1999). “Cumulative effects on wetland landscapes: Links to wetland restoration in the United States and southern Canada.” Wetlands 19(4): 775-788.

Bell, S. S., M. S. Fonseca, et al. (1997). “Linking restoration and landscape ecology.” Restoration Ecology 5(4): 318-323.

Benoit, L. K. and R. A. Askins (1999). “Impact of the spread of Phragmites on the distribution of birds in Connecticut tidal marshes.” Wetlands 19(1): 194-208.

Bernhardt, K. G. and P. Handke (1992). “Successional dynamics on newly created saline marsh soils.” Ecology -Bratislava- 11(2): 139.

Beukema, J. J., E. C. Flach, et al. (1999). “A long-term study of the recovery of the macrozoobenthos on large defaunated plots on a tidal flat in the Wadden Sea.” Journal of Sea Research 42(3): 235-254.

Boesch, D. F., M. N. Josselyn, et al. (1994). “Scientific Assessment of Coastal Wetland Loss, Restoration and Management in Louisiana.” Journal of Coastal Research -Special Issue-: ALL.

Boorman, L. and J. Hazelden (1995). “New Marshes for Old: Saltmarsh Creation in Essex, England.” Ocean Challenge- Challenger Society for Marine Science 6(3): 34-37.

Boorman, L. and J. Hazelden (1995). Saltmarsh Creation and Management for Coastal Defence. Directions in European coastal management, Swansea, Cardigan.

Boorman, L. A. The functional role of saltmarshes in linking land and sea. British saltmarshes, Forrest Text.

Boyer, K. E., J. C. Callaway, et al. (2000). “Evaluating the progress of restored cordgrass (Spartina foliosa) marshes: Belowground biomass and tissue nitrogen.” Estuaries 23(5): 711-721.

Boyer, K. E. and J. B. Zedler (1996). “Damage to Cordgrass by Scale Insects in a Constructued Salt Marsh: Effects of Nitrogen Additions.” Estuaries 19(1): 1-12.

Boyer, K. E. and J. B. Zedler (1998). “Effects of nitrogen additions on the vertical structure of a constructed cordgrass marsh.” Ecological Applications 8(3): 692-705.

Boyer, K. E. and J. B. Zedler (1999). “Nitrogen Addition Could Shift Plant Community Composition in a Restored California Salt Marsh.” Restoration Ecology 7(1): 74-85.

Brawley, A. H., R. S. Warren, et al. (1998). “Bird use of restoration and reference marshes within the Barn Island Wildlife Management Area, Stonington, Connecticut, USA.” Environmental Management 22(4): 625-633.

Breaux, A. and F. Serefiddin (1999). “Validity of performance criteria and a tentative model for regulatory use in compensatory wetland mitigation permitting.” Environmental Management 24(3): 327-336.

Broome, S. W., I. A. Mendelssohn, et al. (1995). “Relative growth of Spartina patens (Ait) Muhl and Scirpus olneyi Gray occurring in a mixed stand as affected by salinity and flooding depth.” Wetlands 15(1): 20-30.

Broome, S. W., E. D. Seneca, et al. (1983). “The effects of source, rate and placement of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on growth of Spartina alterniflora transplants in North Carolina.” Estuaries 6(3): 212-226.

Broome, S. W., E. D. Seneca, et al. (1986). “Long term growth and development of transplants of the salt-marsh grass Spartina alterniflora.” Estuaries 9(1): 63-74.

Broome, S. W., E. D. Seneca, et al. (1988). “Tidal salt marsh restoration.” Aquatic Botany 32(1-2): 1-22.

Brouwer, R., S. Crooks, et al. (1998). “Towards an Integrated Framework for Wetland Ecosystem Indicators.” Cserge Gec Working Paper: ALL.

Brzezinski, L., R. Roman, et al. (1997). Site Selection and Construction Methods for Marsh Creation. Water resources planning and management: Aesthetics in the constructed environment, Houston; TX, Asce.

Burd, F. (1995). Northey Island Managed Retreat, Report 5, Results to February 1995. Peterborough, English Nature: 27.

Burd, F. (1996). Northey Island Managed Retreat, Report 6, Results to February 1996. Peterborough, English Nature: 17.

Burdick, D. M., M. Dionne, et al. (1997). “Ecological responses to tidal restorations of two northern New England salt marshes.” Wetlands Ecology and Management 4(2): 129-144.

Burdick, D. M. and F. T. Short (1999). “The effects of boat docks on eelgrass beds in coastal waters of Massachusetts.” Environmental Management 23(2): 231-240.

Burt, T. N., I. C. Cruickshank, et al. (1996). Tidal barrages - learning from experience. Barrages: engineering, design and environmental impacts, Cardiff, Chichester.

Buzzelli, C. P., R. L. Wetzel, et al. (1999). “A linked physical and biological framework to assess biogeochemical dynamics in a shallow estuarine ecosystem.” Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 49(6): 829-851.

Callaway, J. C. and J. B. Zedler (1998). “Interactions between a salt marsh native perennial (Salicornia virginica) and an exotic annual (Polypogon monspeliensis) under varied salinity and hydroperiod.” Wetlands Ecology and Management 5(3): 179-194.

Callaway, J. C., J. B. Zedler, et al. (1997). “Using tidal salt marsh mesocosms to aid wetland restoration.” Restoration Ecology 5(2): 135-146.

Cammen, L. M. (1976). “Macroinvertebrate colonization of Spartina marshes artificailly established on dredge spoil.” Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science 4: 357-372.

Chang, Y. H., M. D. Scrimshaw, et al. (1998). “Geostatistical analysis of sampling uncertainty at the Tollesbury Managed Retreat site in Blackwater Estuary, Essex, UK: Kriging and cokriging approach to minimise sampling density.” Science of the Total Environment 221(1): 43-57.

Cheney, D., R. Oestman, et al. (1991). Creation of rocky intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats to mitigate for the construction of a large marina in Puget Sound, Washington. Aquatic habitat enhancement, Long Beach; CA, Allen Press Inc.

Cheney, D., R. Oestman, et al. (1994). “Creation of rocky intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats to mitigate for the construction of a large marina in Puget Sound, Washington.” Bulletin of Marine Science -Miami- 55(2/3): 772.

Clarke, D. G., G. L. Ray, et al. (1993). Benthic Recovery on Experimental Dredged Material Disposal Mounds in Galveston Bay, Texas. 2nd State of the Bay symposium, Galveston; TX [unconfirmed], [np].

Clifton, J., P. McDonald, et al. Radionuclide concentration and sediment composition in Irish Sea saltmarsh sediments. British saltmarshes, Forrest Text.

Coastal and Estuarine Research Unit (2000). Foreshore recharge for restoration of eroded intertidal profiles: Shotley Point mud placement.  Monitoring and Evauation Year 3 (Results to August 2000). London, Department of Geography, University College London.

Coates, T. and H. R. Wallingford (1996). Beach management breakwaters on open coastlines - A review of recent research. River and coastal engineers: Proceedings to the 31st MAFF, Keele, Maff.

Coen, L. D., D. M. Knott, et al. (1995). South Carolina Intertidal Oyster Reef Studies: Design, Sampling and Focus for Evaluating Habitat Value and Function. Oyster reef habitat restoration: a synopsis and synthesis of approaches, Williamsburg, VA, VIMS Press.

Coen, L. D., E. L. Wenner, et al. (1996). Intertidal oyster reef habitat assessment and restoration: Evaluating habitat use, development and function. Shellfish restoration, Hilton Head Island; SC, National Shellfisheries Association.

Craft, C. (2000). “Co-development of wetland soils and benthic invertebrate communities following salt marsh creation.” Wetlands Ecology and Management 8(2/3): 197-207.

Craft, C., J. Reader, et al. (1999). “Twenty-five years of ecosystem development of constructed Spartina alterniflora (Loisel) marshes.” Ecological Applications 9(4): 1405-1419.

Craft, C. B., S. W. Broome, et al. (1988). “Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Organic-Carbon Pools in Natural and Transplanted Marsh Soils.” Estuaries 11(4): 272-280.

Craft, C. B., S. W. Broome, et al. (1989). “Exchange of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Organic-Carbon between Transplanted Marshes and Estuarine Waters.” Journal of Environmental Quality 18(2): 206-211.

Craft, C. B., S. W. Broome, et al. (1988). “Estimating Sources of Soil Organic-Matter in Natural and Transplanted Estuarine Marshes Using Stable Isotopes of Carbon and Nitrogen.” Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 26(6): 633-641.

Craft, C. B. and C. J. Richardson (1995). Wetland evolutionary development and nutrient removal efficiency: what we can learn from created, restored and natural wetlands? Nutrient cycling and retention in wetlands and their use for wastewater treatment, Trebon; Czech Republic, Prague.

Craft, C. B., E. D. Seneca, et al. (1991). “Porewater Chemistry of Natural and Created Marsh Soils.” Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 152(2): 187-200.

Crooks, S. (1998). A mechanism for the formation of overconsolidated horizons within estuarine floodplain alluvium: implications for the interpretation of Holocene sea-level curves. Floodplains: interdisciplinary approaches, Norwich, Bath.

Crooks, S. and L. Ledoux (1999). “Mitigation Banking as a Tool for Strategic Coastal Zone Management: A UK Perspective.” Cserge Gec Working Paper: ALL.

Crooks, S. and L. Ledoux (2000). “Mitigation Banking: Potential applications in the UK.” Environmental and Waste Management 3(4): 215-222.

Crooks, S. and K. Pye (2000). “Sedimentological controls on the erosion and morphology of saltmarshes: implications for flood defence and habitat recreation.” Special Publication- Geological Society of London 175: 207-222.

Crooks, S. and R. K. Turner (1999). “Integrated Coastal Management: Sustaining Estuarine Natural Resources.” Advances in Ecological Research 29: 241-289.

Cunha, M. R., M. H. Moreira, et al. (2000). “The amphipod Corophium multisetosum (Corophiidae) in Ria de Aveiro (NW Portugal). II. Abundance, biomass and production.” Marine Biology 137(4): 651-660.

Cuperus, R., M. Bakermans, et al. (2001). “Ecological compensation in Dutch highway planning.” Environmental Management 27(1): 75-89.

Cuperus, R., K. J. Canters, et al. (1999). “Guidelines for ecological compensation associated with highways.” Biological Conservation 90(1): 41-51.

Dagley, J. R. (1995). Northey Island: Managed retreat scheme, Results of botanical monitoring 1991 to 1994, English Nature: 94.

Darbyshire, E. J. and J. R. West (1993). Turbulence and Cohesive Sediment Transport in the Parrett Estuary. Turbulence - Perspectives on Flow and Sediment Transport: 215-247.

Davis, R. C., F. T. Short, et al. (1998). “Quantifying the effects of green crab damage to eelgrass transplants.” Restoration Ecology 6(3): 297-302.

Davy, A. J., C. S. B. Costa, et al. Biotic interactions in plant communities of saltmarshes. British saltmarshes, Forrest Text.

Dawe, N. K., G. E. Bradfield, et al. (2000). “Marsh creation in a northern Pacific estuary: Is thirteen years of monitoring vegetation dynamics enough?” Conservation Ecology 4(2): 12.

Day, J. W., J. Rybczyk, et al. (1999). “Soil accretionary dynamics, sea-level rise and the survival of wetlands in Venice Lagoon: A field and modelling approach.” Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 49(5): 607-628.

Day, J. W., F. Scarton, et al. (1998). “Rapid deterioration of a salt marsh in Venice Lagoon, Italy.” Journal of Coastal Research 14(2): 583-590.

Day, S., W. J. Streever, et al. (1999). “An Experimental Assessment of Slag as a Substrate for Mangrove Rehabilitation.” Restoration Ecology 7(2): 139-144.

de Brouwer, J. F. C., S. Bjelic, et al. (2000). “Interplay between biology and sedimentology in a mudflat (Biezelingse Ham, Westerschelde, The Netherlands).” Continental Shelf Research 20(10-11): 1159-1177.

Delaney, T. P., J. W. Webb, et al. (2000). “Comparison of physical characteristics between created and natural estuarine marshes in Galveston Bay, Texas.” Wetlands Ecology and Management 8(5): 343-352.

Desmond, J. S., J. B. Zedler, et al. (2000). “Fish use of tidal creek habitats in two southern California salt marshes.” Ecological Engineering 14(3): 233 - 252.

Desprez, M. (2000). “Physical and biological impact of marine aggregate extraction along the French coast of the Eastern English Channel: short- and long-term post-dredging restoration.” Ices Journal of Marine Science 57(5): 1428-1438.

Dionne, M., F. T. Short, et al. (1998). Fish Utilization of Restored, Created, and Reference Salt-Marsh Habitat in the Gulf of Maine. Sea grant symposium on fish habitat: essential fish habitat and rehabilitation; Fish habitat, Hartford, CT, Bethesda MD.

Dixon, A. M., D. J. Leggett, et al. (1998). “Habitat Creation Opportunities for Landward Coastal Re-alignment.” Water and Environmental Management 12(2): 107-112.

Dyer, K. R., M. C. Christie, et al. (2000). “The classification of intertidal mudflats.” Continental Shelf Research 20(10-11): 1039-1060.

Ehrenfeld, J. G. (2000). “Defining the limits of restoration: The need for realistic goals.” Restoration Ecology 8(1): 2-9.

Ehrenfeld, J. G. and L. A. Toth (1997). “Restoration ecology and the ecosystem perspective.” Restoration Ecology 5(4): 307-317.

Ellis, D. V. and V. I. Macdonald (1998). “Rapid preliminary assessment of seabed biodiversity for the marine and coastal mining industries.” Marine Georesources & Geotechnology 16(4): 307-319.

Emmerson, M. (2000). “Remedial habitat creation: does Nereis diversicolor play a confounding role in the colonisation and establishment of the pioneering saltmarsh plant, Spartina anglica?” Helgoland Marine Research 54; NUMB 2/3: 110-116.

Emmerson, R. H., J. W. Birkett, et al. (2000). “Solid phase partitioning of metals in managed retreat soils: field changes over the first year of tidal inundation.” Science of the Total Environment 254(1): 75-92.

Emmerson, R. H. C., J. M. A. Manatunge, et al. (1997). “Tidal Exchanges between Orplands Managed Retreat Site and the Blackwater Estuary, Essex.” Water and Environmental Management 11(5): 363-372.

Emmerson, R. H. C., S. B. O'Reilly-Wiese, et al. (1997). “A Multivariate Assessment of Metal Distribution in Inter-tidal Sediments of the Blackwater Estuary, UK.” Marine Pollution Bulletin 34(11): 960-968.

Environment Agency (1999). Monitoring foreshore recharge works, Essex 1998-2002, Contract 0031, Post-placement monitoring studies 1999.

Environment Agency (1999). Results of post breach monitoring of Orplands coastal realignment site.

Erwin, R. M., J. S. Hatfield, et al. (1994). “Waterbird Use of Saltmarsh Ponds Created for Open Marsh Water Management.” Journal of Wildlife Management 58(3): 516.

Esenwein, R., T. Koenig, et al. (1997). Demonstration Marsh Permitting Issues. Water resources planning and management: Aesthetics in the constructed environment, Houston; TX, Asce.

Evans, P. R., R. M. Ward, et al. (2000). Seal Sands Northwest enclosure intertidal habitat re-creation: Invertebrate re-colonization and use by wildfowl and shorebirds, 1997-2000. Durham, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Durham: 14.

Evans, P. R., R. M. Ward, et al. (1998). “Creation of temperate-climate intertidal mudflats: Factors affecting colonization and use by benthic invertebrates and their bird predators.” Marine Pollution Bulletin 37(8-12): 535-545.

Fell, P. E., K. A. Murphy, et al. (1991). “Reestablishment of Melampus-Bidentatus (Say) and Other Macroinvertebrates on a Restored Impounded Tidal Marsh - Comparison of Populations above and Below the Impoundment Dike.” Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 152(1): 33-48.

Fell, P. E., S. P. Weissbach, et al. (1998). “Does invasion of oligohaline tidal marshes by reed grass, Phragmites australis (Cav) Trin ex Steud, affect the availability of prey resources for the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus L?” Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 222(1-2): 59-77.

Finlayson, C. M., M. J. Storrs, et al. (1997). “Degradation and rehabilitation of wetlands in the Alligator Rivers Region of northern Australia.” Wetlands Ecology and Management 5(1): 19-36.

Fish, J. D., S. Fish, et al. The biology of mud snails with particular reference to Hydrobia ulvae. British saltmarshes, Forrest Text.

Fisher, K., H. R. Wallingford, et al. (1996). Monitoring of Fisheries on the River Blackwater. Habitat hydraulics, Quebec; Canada, Institut national de la recherche scientifique - eau.

Flemer, D. A., B. F. Ruth, et al. (1997). “Macrobenthic community colonization and community development in dredged material disposal habitats off coastal Louisiana.” Environmental Pollution 96(2): 141-154.

Fleming, T. S., T. Fredette, et al. (1991). Beneficial Uses of Dredged Material.  Intertidal habitat creation, Jonesport, Maine, United States Army Engineer Division, New England, Waltham, MA: 21.

Flynn, M. N., Y. Wakabara, et al. (1998). “Macrobenthic associations of the lower and upper marshes of a tidal flat colonized by Spartina alterniflora in Cananeia Lagoon estuarine region.” Bulletin of Marine Science 63(2): 427-442.

Fong, P., K. E. Boyer, et al. (1996). “Salinity stress, nitrogen competition, and facilitation: what controls seasonal succession of two opportunistic green macroalgae?” Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 206(1/2): 203-222.

Fong, P., K. E. Boyer, et al. (1998). “Developing an indicator of nutrient enrichment in coastal estuaries and lagoons using tissue nitrogen content of the opportunistic alga, Enteromorpha intestinalis (L. Link).” Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 231(1): 63-80.

Fong, P., R. M. Donohoe, et al. (1993). “Competition with macroalgae and benthic cyanobacterial mats limits phytoplankton abundance in experimental microcosms.” Marine Ecology- Progress Series 100(1/2): 97.

Fong, P. and J. B. Zedler (1993). “Temperature and light effects on the seasonal succession of algal communities in shallow coastal lagoons.” Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 171(2): 259.

Fong, P., J. B. Zedler, et al. (1993). “Nitrogen vs. phosphorus limitation of algal biomass in shallow coastal lagoons.” Limnology and Oceanography 38(5): 906.

Fonseca, M. S., B. E. Julius, et al. (2000). “Integrating biology and economics in seagrass restoration: How much is enough and why?” Ecological Engineering 15(3-4): 227-237.

Fonseca, M. S., W. J. Kenworthy, et al. (1990). “Comparison of Fauna among Natural and Transplanted Eelgrass Zostera-Marina Meadows - Criteria for Mitigation.” Marine Ecology-Progress Series 65(3): 251-264.

Foster, W. A. Coping with the tides: adaptations of insects and arachnids from British saltmarshes. British saltmarshes, Forrest Text.

Fredette, T. J. (1997). DAMOS: Twenty Years of Dredged Material Disposal Site Monitoring. Isn't that Enough? International ocean pollution symposium, Fort Pierce; FL, Gordon and Breach.

Fredette, T. J. (1998). “DAMOS: Twenty Years of Dredged Material Disposal Site Monitoring. Isn't that Enough?” Chemistry and Ecology 14/15(3-4/1-3): 231-240.

French, C. E., J. R. French, et al. (1999). Abandoned reclamations as analogues for sea defence re- alignment. Coastal Sediments '99, Vols 1-3: 1912-1926.

French, C. E., J. R. French, et al. (2000). “Sedimentation-erosion dynamics of abandoned reclamations: the role of waves and tides.” Continental Shelf Research 20(12-13): 1711-1733.

French, J. R. (1991). Eustatic and Neotectonic Controls on Salt-Marsh Sedimentation. Coastal Sediments 91, Vol 2: 1223-1236.

French, J. R. (1993). “Numerical-Simulation of Vertical Marsh Growth and Adjustment to Accelerated Sea-Level Rise, North Norfolk, Uk.” Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 18(1): 63-81.

French, J. R. (2000). “Coastal defence and Earth Science conservation.” Geographical Journal 166: 280-281.

French, J. R. and N. J. Clifford (1992). “Characteristics and Event-Structure of near-Bed Turbulence in a Macrotidal Salt-Marsh Channel.” Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 34(1): 49-69.

French, J. R. and N. J. Clifford (2000). “Hydrodynamic modelling as a basis for explaining estuarine environmental dynamics: some computational and methodological issues.” Hydrological Processes 14(11-12): 2089-2108.

French, J. R., N. J. Clifford, et al. (1993). High-Frequency Flow and Suspended Sediment Measurements in a Tidal Wetland Channel. Turbulence - Perspectives on Flow and Sediment Transport: 249-277.

French, J. R. and T. Spencer (1993). “Dynamics of Sedimentation in a Tide-Dominated Backbarrier Salt- Marsh, Norfolk, Uk.” Marine Geology 110(3-4): 315-331.

French, J. R., T. Spencer, et al. (1995). “Geostatistical Analysis of Sediment Deposition in 2 Small Tidal Wetlands, Norfolk, Uk.” Journal of Coastal Research 11(2): 308-321.

French, J. R., T. Spencer, et al. (1995). “Editorial Geomorphic Response to Sea-Level Rise - Existing Evidence and Future Impacts.” Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 20(1): 1-6.

French, J. R. and D. R. Stoddart (1992). “Hydrodynamics of Salt-Marsh Creek Systems - Implications for Marsh Morphological Development and Material Exchange.” Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 17(3): 235-252.

French, J. R., C. J. Watson, et al. (1999). Stability of dredged silt placed on an eroding estuarine foreshore. Coastal Sediments '99, Vols 1-3: 2520-2533.

French, P. W. (1999). “Managed retreat: a natural analogue from the Medway estuary, UK.” Ocean and Coastal Management 42(1): 49-62.

Galatowitsch, S. M. and A. G. vanderValk (1996). “Vegetation and environmental conditions in recently restored wetlands in the prairie pothole region of the USA.” Vegetatio 126(1): 89-99.

Giani, L. and A. Landt (2000). “Initial marsh soil development from brackish sediments.” Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science-Zeitschrift Fur Pflanzenernahrung Und Bodenkunde 163(5): 549-553.

Gibson, K. D., J. B. Zedler, et al. (1994). “Limited Response of Cordgrass (Spartina-Foliosa) to Soil Amendments in a Constructed Marsh.” Ecological Applications 4(4): 757-767.

Goodfriend, W. L. (1998). “Microbial community patterns of potential substrate utilization: A comparison of salt marsh, sand dune, and seawater-irrigated agronomic systems.” Soil Biology & Biochemistry 30(8-9): 1169-1176.

Goodwin, P. (1996). “Predicting the Stability of Tidal Inlets for Wetland and Estuary Management.” Journal of Coastal Research -Special Issue-: 83-102.

Grant, A. and R. N. Millward (1997). Detecting community responses to pollution. Responses of Marine Organisms to Their Environment, Proceedings of the 30th European Marine Biology Symposium,, Southampton, University of Southampton.

Grayson, J. E., M. G. Chapman, et al. (1999). “The assessment of restoration of habitat in urban wetlands.” Landscape and Urban Planning 43(4): 227-236.

Guida, V. G. and I. J. Kugelman (1988). Experiments in Wastewater Polishing in Constructed Tidal Marshes: Does It Work? Are the Results Predictable? Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment, Chattanooga; TN, Lewis.

Gwin, S. E., M. E. Kentula, et al. (1999). “Evaluating the effects of wetland regulation through hydrogeomorphic classification and landscape profiles.” Wetlands 19(3): 477-489.

Hackney, C. T. (2000). “Restoration of coastal habitats: expectation and reality.” Ecological Engineering 15(3-4): 165-170.

Haltiner, J., J. B. Zedler, et al. (1997). “Influence of physical processes on the design, functioning and evolution of restored tidal wetlands in California (USA).” Wetlands Ecology and Management 4(2): 73-92.

Han, M. W. and Y. C. Park (1999). “The development of anoxia in the artificial Lake Shihwa, Korea, as a consequence of intertidal reclamation.” Marine Pollution Bulletin 38(12): 1194-1199.

Harris, T. The habitat preferences of Scrobicularia plana (da Costa), (Lamellibranchia: Tellinacea), within the saltmarsh of the River Otter estuary at Budleigh Salterton, Devon, UK. British saltmarshes, Forrest Text.

Harvey, H. J. (1995). “The National Trust and nature conservation: Prospects for the future.” Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 56: 231-248.

Hasen, M., A. C. Onuekwusi, et al. (1997). Geotechnical Design of Created Marsh. Water resources planning and management: Aesthetics in the constructed environment, Houston; TX, Asce.

Havens, K. J., L. M. Varnell, et al. (1995). “An assessment of ecological conditions in a constructed tidal marsh and two natural reference tidal marshes in coastal Virginia.” Ecological Engineering 4(2): 117.

Hazelden, J. (1995). Soils and Managed Retreat at Tollesbury, Essex. Saltmarsh research seminar, Bristol.

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