function time_series = make_timeseries %========== Options ==========% filename = '/esdata/env/dpn06xsu/job/test_data/'; var = 'T2'; %========== Data info ==========% time_levs = 1460; % Number of time-levels (dim 4) in netCDF file dt = 0.25; % Interval between time-levels (units of choice) lat_name = 'latitude'; % Name of latitude variable in NetCDF file lon_name = 'longitude'; % Name of longitude variable in NetCDF file x_size = 320; % Total number of gridpoints in the x-direction y_size = 160; % Total number of gridpoints in the y-direction grid_resolution = 125; % Resolution of the dataset (km) %======= Interpolation options =======% interp_to_lon = 0; % Longitude of timeseries interp_to_lat = 56; % Latitude of timeseries interp_radius = 00; % Radius of interpolation (km). Set to 0 to use nearest gridpoints %========== CODE STARTS BELOW =============% % Get longitude and latitude variables lat = double(ncread(filename,lat_name)); lon = double(ncread(filename,lon_name)); % Initialise timeseries time_series = zeros(1,time_levs); % Guess at the range of the dataset we have to scan n_points = ceil(sqrt(2)*interp_radius/grid_resolution); % Find the nearest grid points to interp_to_[lon/lat] lon_near = min(min(dnearest(lon,interp_to_lon))); lat_near = min(min(dnearest(lat,interp_to_lat))); % Make the range of grid points to scan over lon_lim = [lon_near-n_points lon_near+n_points]; lat_lim = [lat_near-n_points lat_near+n_points]; % Meshgrid and transpose lon/lat arrays [lon lat] = meshgrid(lon,lat); % lon = lon;lat = lat; % Cycle through time levs, interpolating to a position if needed for(t=1:time_levs) % Initialise arrays for interpolation lts = []; lns = []; vals = []; % Load the current time level of data field = double(ncread(filename,var,[t 1 1 1]-1,[1 1 y_size x_size])); % Scan over an area around interp_to_[lon/lat], add any grid points suitable close % to interp_to_[lon/lat] to the interpolation arrays cnt = 1; for(i=lon_lim(1):lon_lim(2)) for(j=lat_lim(1):lat_lim(2)) if(i<=0) i2 = i+x_size; else i2 = i; end if(max(gc_dist(interp_to_lon,interp_to_lat))<=interp_radius) lts(cnt) = lat(j,i2); lns(cnt) = lon(j,i2); vals(cnt) = field(j,i2); cnt = cnt + 1; end end end % If interp_radius is > 0, interpolate all values in interpolation arrays to % interp_to_[lon/lat]. Otherwise just add the nearest grid point to the timeseries. if(interp_radius > 0) time_series(t) = griddata(lns,lts,vals,interp_to_lon,interp_to_lat); else time_series(t) = vals; end end end %=============== FUNCTIONS ================% function index = dnearest(array,value) % index = nearest(array,value) array = abs(array - value); index = find(array == min(min(array))); end function d = gc_dist(lon, lat) %Returns the cumulative great circle distance from a series of ([lon] [lat]) %points. Units will be in units of R (currently km) R = 6378.1; if(size(lon) ~= size(lat)) error('lon and lat arrays must be the same size'); end lon = lon*pi/180; lat = lat*pi/180; d = zeros(size(lon)); for(i=2:length(d)) dlon = lon(i) - lon(i-1); dlat = lat(i) - lat(i-1); a = (sin(dlat/2)).^2 + cos(lat(i-1)) * cos(lat(i)) * (sin(dlon/2))^2; c = 2 * asin(min(1,sqrt(a))); d(i) = d(i-1) + (R * c); end end