PAPERS 2003-04

"Against 'time-slices'", in Philosophical Investigations 26:1 (January)* 2003, 24-43.
"Slicing time" is a version of the above paper.

"How to understand Kuhnian incommensurability: some unexpected analogies from Wittgenstein", in Wittgenstein Jahrbuch * 2001/2 (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2003), 151-172.
"How to understand Kuhnian incommensurability" is a version of the above paper.

""Nothing is shown"", (jt. with Rob Deans) in Philosophical Investigations 26:3, 2003. 239-268, is a reply to Mounce, Emiliani, Koethe & Volhauer that I co-wrote with Rob Deans.
A version of the paper is available here.

"Kripke's Hume", in Graduate Faculty Research Journal * 24:1 (2003).

"Time to stop trying to provide an account of time", in Philosophy 78 (2003), 397-408. [Michael Dummett replied to this paper in the same issue.]
This is a different version of my above critical discussion of Dummett and time.

"Kuhn: le Wittgenstein des sciences?", in Archives de Philosophie 66:3 ('Kuhn, Aprés la Structure ' (guest edited by Sandra Laugier; Paris: Presse de la Sorbonne nouvelle, 2003), pp.463-480 {English translation, "Kuhn: a Wittgenstein of the sciences?", in UEA Papers in Philosophy 15 (2004), with a reply to it by Angus Ross}.
"Kuhn, Wittgenstein of the sciences" is a version of the English translation.

"Literature as philosophy of psychopathology", in Philosophy, Psychology, Psychiatry ,* 10:2 (June 2003), 115-124. [Replies by Louis Sass and J.M. Coetzee immediately followed my paper]

"On delusions of sense: a response to Coetzee and Sass", in Philosophy, Psychology, Psychiatry ,* 10:2 (June 2003), 135-142.

"Wittgenstein and Faulkner's Benjy: reflections on and of derangement", in The literary Wittgenstein (edited by John Gibson and Wolfgang Huemer; London: Routledge, 2004; now translated into German by Martin Suhr, as Wittgenstein und die Literatur (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2006). Replied to by Peter Sattler in The Valve, August 2005, available at
A version of this paper is available here.

"Throwing away 'the bedrock'", Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society105:1 (2004), 81-98.
A near final draft is available here.